Open Educational Services

 | Post date: 2019/11/18 | 
Open Educational Services 

The faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems enjoying the scientific potential of faculty members and modern technical infrastructures pursues its educational activities in two major areas of formal and informal education. To enhance the formal educational services, the faculty offers several open educational services as follows:
  • Mid-term open education courses such as DBA and MBA in the field of industrial engineering and management systems;
  • Mid-term specialized education courses such as summer and winter schools;
  • Short-term ill specialized education courses;
  • Empowerment and skill development courses;
  • Joint courses with international universities;
  • Joint courses with industries and organizations;
  • Holding specialized symposiums, seminars and conferences.
  • Short-term and mid-term specialized training courses are presented in online and in-person as a flexible tool for improving the knowledge and skill for different target groups.

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