MSc Level Courses

 | Post date: 2019/11/13 | 
MSc Level Courses:
    Name  Code              Major                                                                 
 Data mining  2589473 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Intellectual capital management  2588713 System & productivity management ELearning
 Neural computation  2589493 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Sustainable development  2589483 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Adv. macroeconomics  2589463 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Analysis and design of logistical systems  2589353 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Artificial intelligence and expert systems  2589203 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Artificial intelligence and expert systems teaching   assistant  2589200 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Clinical and administrative data mining  2592173 Health Systems Engineering
 Demand management  2588743 System & productivity management ELearning
 Demand planning and management  2588723 System & productivity management ELearning
 Demand planning and management  2585173 Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 Distribution systems  2589503 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Distribution systems  2585183 Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 Engineering economy  2589393 Financial engineering ELearning
 Evaluation ,forecasting and transfer of technology  2587153 Innovation and Technology Management
 Financial management  2588623 System & productivity management ELearning
 Financial risk management and analysis  2584603 Financial engineering
 Financial risk management and analysis  2589423 Financial engineering ELearning
 Financial times series  2584613 Financial engineering
 Financial times series  2589433 Financial engineering ELearning
 Fixed income markets  2584623 Financial engineering
 Fixed income markets  2589443 Financial engineering ELearning
 Information technology in healthcare  2592143 Health Systems Engineering
 Introduction to healthcare system  2592103 Health Systems Engineering
 Introduction to logistics and supply chain management  2589213 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Introduction to logistics and supply chain management teaching assistant  2589210 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Introduction to technology management  2588733 System & productivity management ELearning
 Multi-criteria decision making  2589363 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Operations research for healthcare  2592123 Health Systems Engineering
 Portfolio selection models  2584593 Financial engineering
 Portfolio selection models  2589313 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Portfolio selection models teaching assistant  2589310 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Principles of financial engineering  2584583 Financial engineering
 Principles of financial engineering  2589403 Financial engineering ELearning
 Process and quality improvement in healthcare  2592133 Health Systems Engineering
 Production and service strategy  2588633 System & productivity management ELearning
 Project management  2582933 System & productivity management
 Project management  2588703 System & productivity management ELearning
 Research methodology and design  2592152 Health Systems Engineering
 Selected topics  9182193 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT
 Seminar  2592902 Health Systems Engineering
 Simulation of logistics systems  2585193 Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 Special topics ( simulation-based optimization)  2589373 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Special topics on Industrial engineering (artificial neural networks)  2589193 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Special topics on Industrial engineering (artificial neural networks) teaching assistant)  2589190 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Statistics  2592113 Health Systems Engineering
 Stochastic process  2589410 Financial engineering ELearning
 Stochastic process  2589413 Financial engineering ELearning
 Stochastic models in healthcare  2592163 Health Systems Engineering
 System dynamics modeling in healthcare  2592183 Health Systems Engineering
 Transportation networks analysis  2589383 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 simulation-based optimization  2586633 Economic & social system engineering
 Financial decisions analysis  2589323 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Systems analysis  2589343 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Innovation and creativity management  2589333 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Accounting and cost analysis  2588033 System & productivity management ELearning
 Adv. engineering economy  2581173 Industrial engineering
 Adv. macro economy(1)  2580163 Economic & social system engineering
 Adv. microeconomics  2589133 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Advanced linear programming  2581673 Industrial engineering
 Advanced micro economics  2580143 Economic & social system engineering
 Advanced motion and time study  2581762 Industrial engineering
 Advanced production planning  2581193 Industrial engineering
 Cad and cam  2581753 Industrial engineering
 Computer simulation  2588503 System & productivity management ELearning
 Computer simulation  2580153 Economic & social system engineering
 Data management  2589163 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Data management  2580133 Economic & social system engineering
 Decision theory  2586563 Economic & social system engineering
 Design of industrial systems  2581183 Industrial engineering
 Dynamic programming  2582693 System & productivity management
 Dynamic programming  2581683 Industrial engineering
 Dynamic programming  2586533 Economic & social system engineering
 Dynamic systems  2588543 System & productivity management ELearning
 Dynamic systems (i)  2582573 System & productivity management
 E- supply chain  2585163 Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 Econometrics  2582623 System & productivity management
 Econometrics  2580123 Economic & social system engineering
 Econometrics  2589153 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Energy management  2582473 System & productivity management
 Energy management  2589103 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Engineering probability and statistics  2588013 System & productivity management ELearning
 Engineering economy  2589113 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Financial decision making analysis  2584133 Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Financial decision making analysis  2588593 System & productivity management ELearning
 Financial management  2582543 System & productivity management
 Financial markets data analysis  2584153 Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Forecasting and time series analysis  2586593 Economic & social system engineering
 Forecasting and time series analysis.  2581603 Industrial engineering
 Fuzzy set in decision making and planning  2580613 System & productivity management
 General economics 1  2588043 System & productivity management ELearning
 Human resource management  2582212 System & productivity management
 Human resource management  2588133 System & productivity management ELearning
 Human resource management  2582233 System & productivity management
 Industrial operations planning  2582873 System & productivity management
 Information systems management  2581873 Industrial engineering
 Information technology  2585113 Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 Innovation and creativity management  2588603 System & productivity management ELearning
 Innovation creativity management  2587103 Innovation and Technology Management
 Integer programming  2580553 System & productivity management
 Introduction to technology management  2587133 Innovation and Technology Management
 Investment modelling application  2584143 Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Knowledge management  2584562 Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Knowledge management  2589123 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Knowledge management  2588522 System & productivity management ELearning
 Knowledge management  2587123 Innovation and Technology Management
 Leadership and organization  2582192 System & productivity management
 Leadership and organization  2588103 System & productivity management ELearning
 Leadership and organization  2582193 System & productivity management
 M.Sc. seminar (pedagogical)  2589183 Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Management information systems  2588553  System & productivity management ELearning
 Mathematical programming  2589143  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Mathematical programming  2580113  Economic & social system engineering
 Metaheuristics, theory and application  2581503  Industrial engineering
 Multi-criteria decision making  2580713  System & productivity management
 Multi-criteria decision making  2586623  Economic & social system engineering
 Multi criteria decision making  2581883  Industrial engineering
 Multiple criteria decision making  2584112  Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Multivariate analysis  2588533  System & productivity management ELearning
 New product and process development  2587143  Innovation and Technology Management
 Operating research 1  2588023  System & productivity management ELearning
 Operating research (ii)  2588003  System & productivity management ELearning
 Operation management  2582243  System & productivity management
 Operation management  2588113  System & productivity management ELearning
 Optimization of nonlinear models  2586523  Economic & social system engineering
 Optimization of nonlinear models  2581703  Industrial engineering
 Principles of engineering management  2584103  Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Procurement management  2585153  Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 Production and service strategy  2587113  Innovation and Technology Management
 Production control (i)  2582823  System & productivity management
 Production control (i)  2588153  System & productivity management ELearning
 Production policies  2588513  System & productivity management ELearning
 Project  2582900  System & productivity management
 Project  2586900  Economic & social system engineering
 Project  2584900  Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Project  2584900  Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Quality and productivity management  2582223  System & productivity management
 Quality and productivity management  2588123  System & productivity management ELearning
 Queuing systems  2581233  Industrial engineering
 Reliability  2580513  System & productivity management
 Research methodology  2584121  Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Research project  2588573  System & productivity management ELearning
 Selected topics  2588563  System & productivity management ELearning
 Selected topics (project management)  2588583  System & productivity management ELearning
 Selected topics in industry engineering (i)  2581713  Industrial engineering
 Selected topics in industry engineering (ii)  2581722  Industrial engineering
 Selected topics in industry engineering (ii)  2581723  Industrial engineering
 Seminar  2582902  System & productivity management
 Seminar  2581902  Industrial engineering
 Seminar  2588902  System & productivity management ELearning
 Seminar  2586902  Economic & social system engineering
 Sequencing and scheduling  2581523  Industrial engineering
 Special topics(stochastic programming)  2589173  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 Statistical methods  2581363  Industrial engineering
 Stochastic process  2581593  Industrial engineering
 Strategic planning  2588143  System & productivity management ELearning
 Strategic planning for  2582163  System & productivity management
 Supply chain management  2581533  Industrial engineering
 System analysis  2588613  System & productivity management ELearning
 System analysis  2581653  Industrial engineering
 Systems control and performance evaluation  2584543  Industrial engineering- Financial engineering
 Technology management  2582493  System & productivity management
 Total information systems  2582803  System & productivity management
 Transportation networks analysis  2585143  Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 Work measurement systems  2581863  Industrial engineering
 advanced micro economics teaching assistant  2589130  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 analysis and design of logistical systems  2585133  Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 computer simulation teaching assistant  2588500  System & productivity management ELearning
 data management teaching assistant  2589160  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 design of industrial systems  2585123  Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 dynamic systems teaching assistant  2588540  System & productivity management ELearning
 econometrics teaching assistant  2589150  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 energy management teaching assistant  2589100  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 engineering economy teaching assistant  2589110  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 engineering statistics and probability teaching assistant  2588010  System & productivity management ELearning
 financial decision making analysis teaching assistant  2588590  System & productivity management ELearning
 general economics i teaching assistant  2588040  System & productivity management ELearning
 human resources management teaching assistant  2588130  System & productivity management ELearning
 innovation and creativity management teaching assistant  2588600  System & productivity management ELearning
 introduction to logistics and supply chain management  2585103  Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering
 knowledge management teaching assistant  2588520  System & productivity management ELearning
 knowledge management teaching assistant  2589120  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 leadership and organization teaching assistant  2588100  System & productivity management ELearning
 management information systems teaching assistant  2588550  System & productivity management ELearning
 mathematical programming teaching assistant  2589140  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 multivariate analysis teaching assistant  2588530  System & productivity management ELearning
 operations management teaching assistant  2588110  System & productivity management ELearning
 operations research i teaching assistant  2588020  System & productivity management ELearning
 operations research ii teaching assistant  2588000  System & productivity management ELearning
 principles of cost accounting teaching assistant  2588030  System & productivity management ELearning
 production control i teaching assistant  2588150  System & productivity management ELearning
 production policies teaching assistant  2588510  System & productivity management ELearning
 quality and productivity management teaching assistant  2588120  System & productivity management ELearning
 seminar  2525902  
 seminar teaching assistant  2588900  System & productivity management ELearning
special topics (project management) teaching assistant  2588580  System & productivity management ELearning
 special topics (stochastic models in operation research) teaching assistant  2589180  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 special topics (stochastic programming) teaching assistant  2589170  Economic & social system engineering ELearning
 special topics teaching assistant  2588060  System & productivity management ELearning
 special topics teaching assistant  2588560  System & productivity management ELearning
 strategic planning teaching assistant  2588140  System & productivity management ELearning
 system analysis teaching assistant  2588610  System & productivity management ELearning

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