Department Honors and Achievements

 | Post date: 2019/11/13 | 
Dr. M.T. Fatemi Ghomi was selected as one of the best faculty members of Iranian universities research institutes and centers.
The honorable mention at the 34th annual conference of the North America Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2015) International Conference in Texas, USA awarded to Dr. Fazel Zarandi for top papers.
The honorable mention at the 35th annual conference of the North America Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2016) International Conference in Texas, USA awarded to Dr. Fazel Zarandi for top papers.
Department Capabilities
      Production and Inventory Planning
  • Capacity planning;
  • Warehouse design;
  • Designing & implementation of inventory management systems;
  • Production planning & scheduling;
  • Material requirement planning.
     System Design and Analysis
  • Using systemic approaches to improve organization;
  • Assessment of systems from theory of constraint view;
  • Design and analysis of working systems and workflows;
  • Business processes management and engineering;
  • Evaluation of organization's internal and external systemic phenomena and determining organization effects and influences (internal and external monitoring);
  • Firms economic phenomena Modeling to manage revenue and cost;
  • Selecting an appropriate system of information circulation in accordance with the specified objectives and budget;
  • Supervising the installation and implementation of systems;
  • Initializing data and operationalizing system to get started;
  • Preparation of the document describing the methodology of integrated information systems development;
  • Organization's information architecture;
  • Planning strategies for e-commerce.
  • Diagnostic study of existing systems and improving them;
  • Identification of strategic issues and developing a systematic framework for problem solving;
  • Strategic planning;
  • Organizational structure reform;
  • Value engineering;
  • Human resource management;
  • Organizational culture assessment;
  • Organizational maturity level assessment and proposing organizational improvements to achieve world class.
     Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Management
  • Diagnostic study and analysis of supply chains;
  • Supply chain network design;
  • Logistics infrastructure and network design;
  • Designing proposals for supply contracts;
  • Design and implementation of optimal distribution strategies.
      Factory and Production Systems Design
  • Facility location;
  • Facility design;
  • Facility layout;
  • Material handling;
  • Structural design.
  • Total Productive Maintenance system design and implementation;
  • Development and Supervision of maintenance plan;
  • Diagnostic study of maintenance strategy;
  • Implementation of Computerized Maintenance Management System.
      Technology and Innovation Management
  • Developing technology roadmap;
  • Developing technology strategy;
  • Establishment of technology management system (Identifying enterprise technologies, technology assessment, audit and acquisition);
  • Technology foresight;
  • Establishing learning system with the purpose of improving efficiency;
  • New product development.
      Project Management and Control
  • Designing, establishment and implementation of plan and project management office;
  • Preparing documents required for project management based on PMBOK;
  • Identifying and evaluating stakeholders' expectation;
  • Project communication management;
  • Project planning, scheduling and control;
  • Project implementation management;
  • Project cost management;
  • Contract management;
  • EPC contractor services for small plans.
      Risk Management and Financial Engineering
  • Design and implementation of operational Risk Management Systems for manufacturing and service organizations;
  • Design and implementation of Credit Risk Management Systems for financial institutions;
  • Design and implementation of Market Risk Management Systems for financial institutions;
  • Design and implementation of Portfolio Management using fundamental analysis, technical analysis and index tracking approaches;
  • Design and implementation of Safety Risk Management Systems for manufacturing and service organizations;
  • Design and implementation of Project Risk Management Systems for project-oriented organizations;
  • Design of trading strategies for portfolio hedging using derivatives,
  • Design and implementation of Intelligent Trading Systems for equity and currency markets;
  • Design of trading strategies for portfolio insurance.
      Knowledge and Information Systems Management
  • Evaluation and proposing organization's knowledge maturity level;
  • Development of knowledge-based products, services and solutions;
  • Maximizing organizational intellectual properties;
  • Creating interactive environment and knowledge sharing context;
  • Creating Learning organization;
  • Development of value delivering infrastructure based on stakeholders knowledge.
     Quality Engineering and Management
  • Implementation of quality management systems and organizational excellence;
  • Productivity cycle management, including productivity measurement, assessment, planning and improvement;
  • Implementation of various quality techniques: SPC, MSA, FTA, FMEA, DOE in order to increase quality and control;
  • Quality assurance;
  • Diagnostic study of organizations;
  • Waste management.
     Human Factors Engineering and Work Study
  • Designing and implementation of various study systems;
  • Implementation of work study techniques;
  • Ergonomic designing of work environment and manual tools;
  • Designing work stations and analyzing machine-human system;
  • Psychological investigation with respect to the way of communication between people;
  • Setting production capacity and the number of people standards.
      Healthcare Systems
  • Hospital processes modelling and improvement;
  • Hospital human resources optimization;
  • Hospital information systems;
  • Healthcare management and policy making.
      Sales Planning and Market Management
  • Market research management;
  • Marketing and sale strategies management;
  • Brand and branding management;
  • Management of signing domestic and foreign contracts;
  • Management of domestic and international professional marketing and sales;
  • Customer relationship management.
      Economic and Financial Analysis of Projects
  • Economic and financial analysis of projects in public/private organizations;
  • Economic analysis of different project financing methods;
  • Cost of capital estimation for economic analysis of projects in organizations;
  • Investment analysis under uncertainties using Real options Analysis;
  • Replacement analysis of manufacturing equipment and its economic life estimation;
  • Payback period and break-even point analyses for manufacturing projects;
  • Estimation of initial and operational costs based on lifecycle analysis of projects;
  • Economic analysis of multiple projects and optimal selection of project portfolio.

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