Department History

 | Post date: 2019/11/13 | 
Department History

Initiation of industrial engineering program in Amirkabir University of Technology dates back to 1975. This program was first created as a sub-discipline of manufacturing engineering major at the faculty of mechanical engineering and after a while its title was changed to industrial engineering. Due to the importance of promotion and development of this program, an independent department was established in 1976 with the name of industrial engineering. This department began its activities with 8 faculty members and 30 students. Later, up to 1978 two more faculty members joined this department.
Quantitative and qualitative improvement of the industrial engineering program in AUT accelerated after the Islamic revolution. In the first stage, the Industrial Engineering department was promoted to the department of Industrial Engineering.
The first group of Industrial Engineering department’s graduates entered the industrial society of the country at 1983. In 1988 the admission of graduate students began in two Master of Science programs, «industrial engineering» and «system management». A new undergraduate sub-discipline titled planning and analysis of systems was established in 1989. Some developments were made in the industrial engineering Master of Science programs in 1993 and the socio-economic systems engineering sub-discipline was added to the existing disciplines in this level. The Ph.D. program was also established admitting students in September of 1994.
Moreover, due to the importance and necessity of integrated relationship with the industry, conducting researches and studies and administrating various projects in different areas of industrial engineering the «Industrial Engineering and Productivity Research Center» was founded in 1991. After expanding its area of activity and promoting its mission, the faculty has been operating as “the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems” since 2010.
Total number of the students graduated from this faculty from the beginning until now is 2799 people at BSc level, 3023 people at MSc level and 209 people at Ph.D. level, most of whom are engaged in different scientific and industrial activities at the national and international levels.

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