About Department

 | Post date: 2019/11/13 | 
About Department

The faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems of Amirkabir University of Technology has been operating as one of the pioneering faculties in the field of industrial engineering and management systems for more than 40 years.
Optimization of manufacturing systems, engineering management, innovation and technology management, finance and investment, logistics and supply chain management, socio-economic systems modeling, health systems and project management are major areas of the faculty of industrial engineering and management systems which have wide applications in organization's major and minor levels, industrial activities, commercial and commerce and different kinds of services (i.e. banks, hospitals, transportation and urban planning).
The faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems offers «lndustrial Engineering» program in undergraduate level, eight programs in graduate level (“System optimization”, “Socio-economic Systems”, “Engineering Management”, “Financial Engineering”, “Innovation and Technology Management”, “Logistics and Supply Chain Management”, “Health Systems Management” and “Project Management”) and the «Industrial Engineering» Ph.D. program enjoying the scientific potential of its about 30 faculty members. It is hoped this department would take steps in achieving the goals of science and technology system in propelling the country's status.
Department’s Motto and Goals
Achieving excellence in all dimensions of education, research, innovation and relationship with industry is our motto.
In setting the goals for this faculty it has been attempted to draw an effective role and constructive participation for this faculty inspired by upstream documents of science and technology area and with regard to needs, domestic potentials and relative advantages of the country so that it can fulfill the goals of science and technology system and respond to the needs of society and industry.
  • Training specialized and skilled manpower in accordance with international standards in order to respond to the needs of various industries and organizations of the country;
  • Directing the educational and research activities of the faculty toward solving the problems and meeting national needs and empowering and promoting the productivity in industry, manufacturing and service sectors;
  • Creating a favorable, blooming and productive scientific atmosphere and training the faculty members needed for the country in majors related to industrial engineering;
  • Training and empowerment of research scholar for research centers associated with industrial engineering;
  • Establishing new courses associated with industrial engineering in undergraduate and graduate levels with regard to needs of society;
  • Empowering the specialized forces needed by institutions and governmental organizations in different educational levels by offering specific courses, retraining courses, short-term and long-term education;
  • Updating the educational content of various courses through revising the curriculum and making necessary and useful changes;
  • Conducting research projects in order to respond to research needs of different industry and service sections;
  • Holding relevant specialized seminars, workshops and conferences.
  • Collaboration with several national and international specialized scientific journals;
  • Publishing several books in specialized areas.
Achieving Excellence in all dimensions of education, research, innovation and relationship with industry is our motto.

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